Life Lately.

I just remembered this side of the Internet existed.

Jasmine D.
3 min readOct 2, 2019
Lazy day (which is basically everyday for me).

Life has been pretty monotonous for me lately, to say the least. I’ve been so swamped with school when I know with better time management I shouldn’t be. I do miss writing, though. I haven’t had the chance to actually sit down and get in tune with my thoughts and feelings. To compensate for the lack of creativity, here’s a couple of happenings during the months of August & September worth mentioning:

  • I came home from my more than a month-long vacation and literally went back to work two days later. Thankfully, my body only experienced the effects of jetlag for a couple of days. Getting back to my usual routine here was definitely hard. Right after work, I had doctor’s appointments set up and I had to attend the Junior orientation at school as a part of the HIM Senior student council. The week after that was the start of my last year in college.
  • I attended my first AHIMA conference and I had the chance to represent my school for the student jeopardy. Happy to say that my team & I won, but waiting for the cash prize to hit my direct deposit is testing the little amount of patience I have. (Broke college student here!)
  • We celebrated one month as a couple and we did much better compared to what happened seven years ago. There were little bumps along the way, but we managed to get through it. I have so much more to say about this, but I figured I’ll make a separate post about it.
  • I’ve been frugal when it comes to money.. well, I’m trying my very best. I’m going back to the Philippines right after graduation and factoring into the equation how I’ll be working less in the coming months due to a research we’re conducting at school, I really need to be serious about this or I’ll be going home broke af and where’s the fun in that??
  • Astrid S is so underrated and she deserves more recognition for her talent. Just sayin’. New songs from her EP are definitely right up my alley! Years, Favorite Part of Me, and Sidelove to be exact.
  • I have less work this semester, but it seems like I’m struggling more than I did last year with more workload on my plate. Love life to blame? Not entirely. Poor time management skills? Heck yeah. I’ve been putting off doing actual work and telling myself that I can always catch up with my lessons like I’ve done in the past. I never learn. Now I’m experiencing the aftermath of my bad choices.

Nothing exciting, right? I only have my graduation and trip back home to look forward to after this whole ordeal. Now I’m very quickly ending this post to go write on my other blog.

Adios, my medium blog. ’Til we meet again.



Jasmine D.

Lover of words. All of my thoughts, dreams and fragile things.